Young Couples Fellowship

Our main objective is to lay a strong Biblical foundation in Christian marriage. Colossians 3:14 says “And over all these virtues put on love, which binds them all together in perfect unity.”

The Young Couples Fellowship as the sub-committee of St. Andrew’s Church Pastorate Committee works among newly married couples and couples married up to 15 years. The fellowship is open to anyone and welcomes couples from all churches.

Our Counseling Team consists of our Presbyter, Rev. Dr. Dexter S. Maben, Mrs. Kumuda Sujay & Rev. Samuel Sujay Kumar, Mrs. Sheeba Thomas & Mr. Biju Thomas and Mrs. Anupama Caroline & Mr. Winfred Joshua who bring in their experiences from various aspects in real life.

Our fellowship assists the newly married couples with handholding as necessary (e.g. documentation, settling into a new place, emergency care, contact during medical emergencies etc.). Also ably enabling new parents as they step into a new phase in their life, along with our other missions and our church congregation.

This fellowship has started helping with the Care for The Elderly ministry in their activities, thereby creating a bond with the elder generation.

We meet on the first Sunday of every month for a time of interactive learning from every couple based on meticulously planned sessions. Retreats along with pre-marital counselling sessions are regularly conducted.

We welcome you all to join us, when possible, to help families grow more in their love for each other with the Trinity as the Centre.

You can reach the Presbyter of St. Andrew’s Church for prayer.