Education and Professional Networking Committee

“And if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noon day.” Isaiah 58:10

The Education and Professional Networking Committee (EPNC) as the sub-committee of St. Andrew’s Church Pastorate Committee works among students and professionals in the congregation

The objective of ‘Education’ is to support students in the form of academic scholarships, career guidance and counselling and also recognizing and encouraging meritorious students, and further, identifying areas for students to excel by conducting special interactive and motivational sessions through its professional outreach.

The objective of ‘Professional Networking’ includes various people from Information technology (IT) and Health Care etc. and to support with job placements, career guidance, and placement assistance.

EPNC Core Team also helps monitor and support healthcare and related assistance among the congregation in coordination with the Pastorate Committee and other wings of the church for the glory of God.

Various activities of EPNC are as follows:

  • Scholarships
  • St. Andrew’s Church Centre for Learning (CFL)
  • St. Andrew’s Church Career Hub
  • Healthcare Professional Network


EPNC coordinates the scholarship outreach of the church. Scholarships are distributed twice a year as follows:

  • General scholarships – to students whose family income does not exceed Rs 3,50,000/- per annum. General scholarships are distributed during June every year

        General Scholarship Form:

  • Merit scholarships – to meritorious students who have secured minimum of 80 percent in the final Board Exam. Merit scholarships are distributed during the St. Andrew’s Day worship service every year

Merit Scholarship – Academic year 2022 -23

Merit Scholarship is a one-time award to meritorious students of our congregation who have secured highest marks (minimum of 80 percent overall final) in 10th, 12th, II PUC, Degrees including Professional and Masters. Applications can be collected from the Church office or downloaded from the Church Website and the Care groups on WhatsApp. Completed application forms with supporting documents should be submitted in person to the church office by 4pm on 20th November, 2023.


St. Andrew’s Church Centre for learning is a new initiative of our church to further strengthen our learning and education ministry

Mission Statement

To help church members and other members of the Christian faith, especially professionals and students improve their learning and skills in various identified areas, through dedicated and focused training and coaching, and support them in their efforts for academic excellence and professional growth.

Core skills for learning and training
  • Languages – regional and foreign
  • Soft skills
  • Software coding

CFL team has successfully completed the first batch of training courses.


St. Andrew’s Church Career Hub is an outreach activity of the church for the professionals in the congregation.

Mission Statement

To assist professionals of St. Andrews Church address career challenges and grow their careers through various support activities.

  • Career Guidance – Interactive session to address various career challenges
  • Career Counseling – Identify various career growth opportunities
  • Placements / Placement Assistance – Support through placement and placement assistance

Career Hub Team is available every Sunday after the English worship service in the Church Office.


EPNC Team coordinates and monitors the various activities of the Health Care professionals of the congregation through the Health Care Professionals Network.

You can reach the Presbyter of St. Andrew’s Church for prayer.